Learn English

People, Persons or Peoples: Difference and Correct Use

Correct Use of these Confused words  People, Persons or Peoples These words are considered as confused words in English. These three words can create a lot of questions in your mind.  Like:  If you are asked the plural for the word person would be people or persons? The fast answer will be that people is correct and persons is wrong. If

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Difference between American and British English

Britain and America, two different nations share one common language that is English. The language that Americans and Britsh share is a bit like that—spoken differently in the two locations, but understandable by both groups of speakers. English language learners face a problem dealing with the difference between British and American English.The two forms of

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Importance of Intonation / Pitch Variation in English Pronunciation

What is intonation in English?   Intonation in English plays very important role for correct English pronunciation.We can’t speak in a flat tone always. There is a rise and fall in our voice tone when we speak that creates a variation in our pitch.Intonation is variation in spoken pitch which indicates the attitudes and emotions of

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