Today, in this post I’ll discuss about 5 very common mispronounced words in English which we use in our day to day life. You all pronounce these words for sure but do you pronounce them correctly? Check this post.
1. Comfortable /ˈkʌmftəb(ə)l/
This word is mispronounced very commonly. There can be two reasons to mispronounce this word. If we divide comfortable in two parts, we get comfor/ table. First part has silent letter r and second part table will not be pronounced like we pronounce table.
It will be pronounced like
‘Kumf/tble /ˈkʌmftəb(ə)l/कम्फ/ट्बल
2. Adjective /ˈædʒɪktɪv/
This word ad/jec/tive is mispronunced as it has silent letter d in ad. Jec doesn’t have e sound like we have in let. Letter e in jec has /ɪ/ sound like we have in pin and last e is silent. So correct pronunciation will be azik/tiv /ˈædʒɪktɪv/ ऐजिक्टिव
3. Vowel /ˈvaʊəl/
Vowel is very commonly used word but mispronounced. It will not be pronounced as vo/wel. Here letter o doesn’t have o sound and letter w doesn’t have v sound. Owel are pronounced like the word owl. So it’s /ˈvaʊəl/
Vau-ul वाउअल
4. Police /pəˈliːs/
This word is mispronounced very commonly. In Po/lice first part Po doesn’t have o sound it has ə sound like we have in about. Second part /lice has i: sound like we have in seed. So it’s /pəˈliːs/ pu-lees प-लीस
5. Break fast /ˈbrekfəst/
We start our day with breakfast but misprounce it very often. Break/ fast is mispronounced as last part fast is not pronounced like the word fast. It doesn’t have aa sound like we have in fast, cast. It has ə sound like we have in alone. So it’s brek.fust /ˈbrekfəst/ ब्रेकफस्ट
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Very useful information
Thank you!