Learning the names of vegetables in English is very important to improve your English speaking. It will add more words to your vocabulary.
Why should you know their names?
It becomes very important to know the names of vegetables to be fluent in English speaking. How?
Suppose you know to speak in English but you don’t know the names of vegetables in English, that can break your fluency.
Knowing these names will help you-
1.Placing an order at restaurant.
2. Asking exactly the right vegetable at a grocery store.
3. To understand a recipe or to explain about a recipe.
4. To write a food blog.
5.To talk about your food habits, favourite food or vegetables.
Names of Vegetables- Hindi to English
1.टमाटर (Tamatar) – Tomato

2. प्याज़ (Pyaz) – Onion

3.पालक (Palak) – Spinach

4. मैथी (Methi) – Fenugreek Leaf

5. कद्दू (Ghiya, Kaddu) – Pumpkin

6. खीरा (Kheera) – Cucumber

7. मटर (Matar) – Peas

8. हरा प्याज – Spring Onion

9. कटहल (Kathal) – Jackfruit

10. भिन्डी (Bhindee) – Lady Finger

11. परवल (Parwal) – Pointed Gourd

12. लहसुन (Lahshun) – Garlic

13. आलू (Aaloo) – Potato

14. बथुआ (Bathua) – Goose Foot

15. पुदीना (Pudina)- Mint

16. धनिया (Dhaniya) – Coriander

16. शिमला मिर्च ( Shimla Mirch) – Capsicum

17. बैंगन (Bengan) – Brinjal

18. गोभी ( Gobhi ) – Cauliflower

19. पत्ता गोभी ( Patta Gobhi) – Cabbage

20. लौकी (Louki) – Bottle Gourd

21. तोरई ( Torai) – Ridge Gourd

22. टिंडे ( Tinde) – Round Gourd/ Apple Gourd

23. करेले (Karele) – Bitter Gourd

24. अदरक (Adrak) – Ginger

25. घुईयाँ/ अरबी (Arbi) – Taro / Yam

26. गाजर ( Gazar) – Carrot

27. मूली (Mooli) – Radish

28. शलजम (Shaljam) – Turnip

29. हरी मिर्च ( Hari Mirch) – Green Chilli

30. कुंदरू (Kundru) – Ivy Gourd / Little Gourd

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