How to convey about daily Kitchen chores in English
It’s easier for us to communicate in our mother tongue than in any other language. When we start speaking in our mother tongue that language is not taught in school but we learn it from our surroundings by seeing others or by listening to others. On the other hand when we start learning new language like English, it becomes difficult for us to communicate as we have to learn many things and everything can’t be taught. Sometimes it becomes difficult for a non native speaker to explain very simple things in English. For example- If you want to explain a recipie to someone who doesn’t understand your language, you need a common language that is English to make him understand what you explain.
This post is for those people whose mother tongue is Hindi and who are learning English as a second language.
Here in this post, I’ll tell you about 10 common sentences related to Kitchen chores which you definitely know in Hindi but find difficult to communicate in English. Learn English for kitchen.
1.दूध फट गया है। (Doodh fat gaya hai.)
Milk has been curdled.
2. आटा छान लो। (Aata chan lo.)
Sieve the flour
3.आटा गूंथ दो। Aata goonth lo.
Knead the flour
4.आटे की लोई बनाओ। (Aate ki loyi banao.)
Make flour dough.
5.रोटी बेलना। (Roti belna.)
Rolling out chapati
6.सब्जियों को कद्दूकस कर लें। (Sabzian kaddukas kar len.)
Grate vegetables.
7.दही मथ के छाछ बना लो। ( Dahi math ke chchach bana len.)
Churn curd and make whey.
8.एक चुटकी नमक लें। (Ek chutki namak len.)
Take a pinch of salt.
9.दो प्याज को छोटा-छोटा काटकर तलें। ( Do pyaz ko chota chota kaat kar tal len.)
Chop two onions and fry them.
10.सूप को अच्छा से चलाएं। ( Soup ko achche se chalayen.)
Stir the soup well.
I hope these common sentences related to kitchen work will help you understand well in English.
- Make food vs Cook Food
- Common English Mistakes: Test Your Knowledge
- Present Perfect Tense
- Idioms for Daily Conversations
- Basic vs Advanced English Vocabulary
Very nice???
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