Fluency in English
Many people want to speak in English fluently. Sometimes it becomes difficult for non native speakers to speak in English fluently. Here, first of all I would like to tell you what does it mean to speak fluently in English. When you speak fluently that means you have a flow in your language while you are speaking. You have an ability to speak easily and articulately. Fluency doesn’t mean very fast speed. Fluency means that you are able to speak easily with a flow.
Many people know to speak in English and they can understand English language but when they start speaking they face a problem that is lack of fluency while speaking in English. Before proceeding with thus post, you can click to get useful tips to speak in English.
If you want to speak impressive English, read this post How to speak impressive English
Today I’ll share some important tips to be fluent in English.
1. Think in English:
It is very difficult for a human brain to stop thinking. Those who want to improve their fluency in English should start thinking in English. You will think what should you think? You just have to do one thing that whatever you think you have to think that in English. Suppose you are planning something for your next day or next week, you should think about that plan in English or you can think about the day you spent today. Remember you should not think about your mistakes you have to think in natural way but in English. This trick will teach you many ways to speak in English fluently. Your brain will register many sentences where you get stuck while speaking in English.
2. Talk to yourself:
This is very important tip to improve your fluency in English. This trick will be very helpful for your organs of a speech to get practice to speak in English fluently. If you stand in front of mirror and talk to yourself that will be a better way to improve your fluency in English. This trick will help you improve your confidence to speak in English fluently. It should be 5 to 10 minutes practice everyday. While talking to yourself you have to imagine as if you are talking to someone else in English.
3. Know the Correct way to use your organs of speech:
You have to develop a practice to speak in English as your organs of speech get practice too. You should be natural while speaking in English to maintain fluency. As lips, tongue, teeth, jaws these all mouth organs play very important role for our speech. You should learn to give a stress on the words appropriately. You should not give emphasis on each and every word. You should not widen your lips or your mouth excessively. If you do so it will break your fluency while speaking in English. You can listen to others while they speak in English or you can try to imitate a native speaker to learn the correct way to use your organs of speech while speaking in English. This will help you to use your organs in the right way to speak in English with a natural flow.
4.Tongue Twisters:
Tongue twisters are always the best thing to improve your diction and to speak quickly. You can practice to twist your tongue by using tongue twisters to speak in English fluently like “The thirty three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.”
5. Describe the things around you:
It is very important to keep on speaking in English, if you want to improve your fluency and this is just to help you for your fluency. You should choose anything which you see around you and try to describe that in your own words. Make small sentences, join them together and try to speak them all together. Remember here, you need not to think about grammatical errors or vocabulary. You just have to speak whatever comes in your mind at that time. By doing so you will have an idea automatically that which way and which word is more appropriate to use while describing that particular thing which you have chosen to speak about.
6. Choose some Topic:
If you want to improve your fluency in English, you should try to choose some topic to speak about. It is up to you that you can choose a topic of your own choice. You can choose your favourite topic to speak about. It can be friendship,something about your friend or about your neighbour or anything else which you like to speak about. if you choose a topic of your choice you will have lot of sentences to speak about that thing for that person. Try to make small sentences, join them together and start speaking. It will definitely help you improve your fluency in English.
All these tips will give you a chance to make sentences in English and that will give you a practice to be fluent in English. You will get more and more ideas to frame English sentences and to speak them continuously.
This is all about improving fluency in English.
To understand these tips in better way, you can watch this video below:
Click below to watch very useful tips to know how to speak in English:
Click below to know How to Speak Impressive English
- Make food vs Cook Food
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