We learn the names of animals since our childhood. It can be quite surprising for you all that inspite of learning their names since our childhood, most of us mispronounce them.
Today, in this post, you will learn to pronounce the names of animals correctly.
1.Leopard /ˈlep.əd/
It’s leh·puhd not leo-pard
2. Lizard /ˈlɪz.əd/ It’s li.zuhd not li.zard. Letter r is silent here.
3. Bear/beə/ It’s beuh not bee.er
4. Lion /ˈlaɪ.ən/ It’s lai·uhn not lo.in
5. Hippopotamus
/ˌhɪp.əˈpɒt.ə.məs/ It’s hi·puh·po·tuh·muhs not hip.po.po.ta.muhs
6.Rhinoceros /raɪˈnɒs.ər.əs/ It’s rai·no·suh·ruhs
7.Panda /ˈpæn.də/ It’s pan·duh
8.Crocodile /ˈkrɒk.ə.daɪl/ It’s kro·kuh·dile not kro.ko.dile
9.Buffalo /ˈbʌf.ə.ləʊ/ It’s buh·fuh·low not buh.fa.low
10. Elephant /ˈel.ɪ.fənt/ It’s eh·luh·fnt not eh.lee.fant
11.Jackal /ˈdʒæk.əl/ It’s ja·kl not ja.kaal
12.Kangaroo/ˌkæŋ.ɡərˈuː/ It’s kang·guh·roo not kan.gaa.roo
13.Tortoise /ˈtɔː.təs/ It’s taw·tuhs not tortoise. Letter r is silent here.
14.Wolf /wʊlf/ It’s wulf not wo.lf
To learn the correct pronunciation of these common animals’ names in better way, watch the video below.