What is Word Stress

For example, there are three syllables in the word “beautiful” /BEAU-ti-ful/ and the word stress falls on the first one /BEAU/. (Please note that in this blog, I’ll demonstrate the stress in a word by capitalizing all the letters that make up the syllable.)
The vowel sound of that syllable will be slightly louder, longer and at a higher pitch.
• TA-ble
• CHAP-ter
• Be-HA-vior
• SEN-tence
In English we don’t say each syllable with the same force or strength.
The syllable which is stressed is strong , big and longer. It receives primary stress and the other ones which are not stressed are weak syllables. There should be a rhythm in English sentences. It shouldn’t sound flat, monotone (all in the same tone) and boring.
I know it sounds like an additional challenge, specially when speaking English is already difficult.
However, when you pronounce every bit of a word and sentence with the same pitch, volume and length, it might make it difficult for native speakers to understand you.
Read these words carefully and try to give stress on the syllables with capital letters.
• TEA-cher
• CHI-na
• re-CEIVE
• a-BOVE
• Con-ver-SA-tion
• Im-POR-tant
Do not stop here. Just read further about Importance of Word Stress and Rules by clicking here.
Watch this video tutorial below to understand better about word stress.
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