English Pronunciation

 Correct and clear pronunciation is as important as listening and speaking skills. If you know how to pronounce the words and phrases correctly, your level of speech understanding is also increased. To have clear pronunciation, learn about English speech sounds, their symbols and many more informative posts.

Syllable Structure in English

Syllable Syllable is another important concept of English pronunciation. Syllables are the building blocks of a word. Unless we understand syllables, we will continue to make mistakes in pronunciation. To know about a syllable in detail, click here.Understanding syllables helps a lot with pronunciation. They improve reading and speaking skills also. When we say a word, the sounds

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Common Mispronounced words with almost similar spellings

In this post, I’ll discuss about very common mispronounced words with almost same spellings. You will know about how a small difference in the spelling changes the pronunciation and meaning of the word. These words, about which I have discussed below, create a lot of confusion therefore, people misunderstand their meaning by mispronouncing them. Cloth

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Difference between American and British English

Britain and America, two different nations share one common language that is English. The language that Americans and Britsh share is a bit like that—spoken differently in the two locations, but understandable by both groups of speakers. English language learners face a problem dealing with the difference between British and American English.The two forms of

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Importance of Intonation / Pitch Variation in English Pronunciation

What is intonation in English?   Intonation in English plays very important role for correct English pronunciation.We can’t speak in a flat tone always. There is a rise and fall in our voice tone when we speak that creates a variation in our pitch.Intonation is variation in spoken pitch which indicates the attitudes and emotions of

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