What are Stative Verbs in English
You have already read about verbs which are known as doing words like playing, reading, cooking, jumping etc. But there is a lot to know more about verbs. Read about stative verbs in English..
Stative verb is a verb that describes a state of being in contrast to a dynamic verb which describes an action. Stative verbs describe the situations which are static or unchanging. They usually relate to thoughts, emotions, possessions, relationships senses state of being and measurements. They are used in Simple Present/past tense. They are not used in continuous form. That means we do not use ‘ing’ with stative verbs. Understand about stative verbs with examples.
Stative verbs related to:-
Like, Dislike, Love, hate, prefer, want, need, mind, care
For Example:
I want a glass of water. Correct
I am wanting a glass of water. Incorrect
Thoughts and emotions:-
Know, think, understand, believe, guess, mean, suppose, doubt, realize, remember, forget, agree.
For Example
I believe what you say. Correct
I am believing what you say. Incorrect.
Have/Has, Belong, Own
I own a house.
Measure, Cost and Others:-
Cost, Measure, Weigh, Owe, Seem, Be, Appear, Consist
These books cost more than expectation.
He appears to be nice.
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Examples for Stative Verbs:
- I likemusic not I am liking music.
- I lovesmall kids not I am loving small kids.
- Do you wantto go not Are you wantingto go?
- I don’t mind anything not I am not minding anything.
- I need your help notI am needingyour help.
- She cares for her hair notshe is caring…
- I know him very well notI am knowing..
- This house belongsto Mr. Ram not This house is belonging to…
- This book consists of 100 pages not This book is consisting …
- I doubt his loyaltynot I am doubting …
Remember that all the verbs in English are not always standard action verbs, they stand for static situations also.
I hope you understand well now.
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