Here is a grammar test based on very important grammar rules. There are 10 questions with two options for each question in this test. Choose one correct option. Check your score out of 10. You will get all the answers and rules explained by clicking Answer button.
Q.1.He and I ____ going to the market.
a.) am
b.) are
b.) are
When two or more subjects are connected by “and”, the verb will in plural.
Q.2. Does she ______ a car?
a.) has
b.) have
b.) have
does – helping verb
have – main verb to show possession
Q.3. Many a student _____ absent today.
a.) is
b.) are
Many a is followed by a singular countable noun and takes a singular verb.
Q.4. I have some important_____.
a.) informations
b.) information
b.) information
Information is uncountable noun so it is always in singular number.
Q. 5. He is used to_______ fruits in the morning.
a.) eating
b.) eat
a.) eating
Be form of verb + used to is used to express a habit. In this format we always use base form of verb + ing.
Be form of verb (is, am, are, was, were etc) + used to + verb + ing
Q. 6. Eggs are______ in the basket.
a.) laying
b.) lying
b.) lying
Lying is continuous form of Lie which means to be in a flat or horizontal position.
Lay means to put something or somebody somewhere
Q. 7 All men should help________.
a.) one another
b.) each other
a.) one another
If there are more than two persons, we use one another. We use each other for two persons.
Q.8. She has beautiful______.
•a.) hairs
•b.) hair
b.) hair
Hair is used in its singular form unless they are countable.
•Q. 9 He is a 20-____-old student.
a.) year
b.) years
a.) year
When year old is used as an adjective before a noun, we use year-old not years old.
Q.10. I look forward to_______ from you. •
a.) hear
b.) hearing
b.) hearing
After the phrase look forward to, we use verb in its ing form as a gerund.
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Click to read about Subject-Verb-Agreement Rules
Click to read about Lie vs Lay
Thanks alot
Very informative post.
Thank you so much!
Excellent! Questions look simple but when I checked my answers I was surprised to know how wrong I was. Thanks!
To be honest, I could get only 5 correct answers. Thank you for this test. It’s quite useful.
Thank you!